6 critical keys to build the self-discipline that sets you free

How to become unstoppable by building self-discipline


Self-discipline is the only core skill I know of that can set you free, and that is the most powerful there is. I’m not the only one who thinks so, ask Jocko Willink.

It is on these days that I feel the power of self-discipline. I finished, some days ago, the 4-day Holistic Ultraman. An “experiment” beyond common human performance. When I do what I know I do, and it is my responsibility to do it, career, meditate, Tai Chi, work, lead projects, advise companies, go to a retreat and disconnect, go on fasting, avoiding distractions, etc. It is then when I can connect with what makes me a teacher (apprentice) of the life I live.

How to build the self-discipline that sets you free

How to do it? And how to build self-discipline that does not break you along the way, that elevates you, makes you unstoppable, and at the same time can free you?

Here are 6 keys to achieve it:

  1. Rewrite daily: to avoid being carried away by laziness, you need to be aligned with what happens inside and outside of you every day. That is why it is important to rewrite what you wrote yesterday and realize how what you do changes, but also to know where you are. Everything is changing, you have to adapt, write daily about what you read by seeing what you wrote yesterday, and what you will write today will strengthen your self-discipline.
  2. Reminders about what matters to you: these are notes, emails, audios, someone else’s words, songs, videos, that remind you between one and four vital messages in your life. This will work against the temptation to stop taking responsibility for what you should take responsibility for.
  3. Tech shortcuts: Technology can ruin your workflow and waste hours and hours of work. Although if used correctly, it can be beneficial as participants of the online program Ultraproductivity Method already know. Imagine using an APP or tools to enter your routines, diets, rest calendar, a scorecard to measure and monitor the qualitative and quantitative indicators of your daily performance. What APPs or tools to use? Experiment, or die.
  4. Raw food: what foods lead you to build the self-discipline that sets you free? There is a special type of food that helps to be motivated; it is unprocessed fruits and vegetables, nuts, natural fats and other raw foods. All of them are fantastic sources of energy. That’s what I learned in the 40 Day High-Performance Fasting experiment and preparation for this challenge. This happens because it doesn’t take a lot of effort for your stomach to digest food when eaten raw. Something that has to do with induced dietary thermogenesis, this will help you raise your VIT levels, which will help you to be more self-disciplined throughout the day. (Pd. Remember to consult specialists before making any dietary changes)
  5. Ultra-productive matchmaking: every day you are faced with two types of things, the things that you want to do, want to do and like, and the things that you must do, they are heavy and boring or creating friction. However, you and I know that important work does not happen walking in the park. So how can you be ultra-productive without missing out on the things you love? Try to match them, combine the “must do” things with the “want to do” things. For example, if you are not going to have green vegetables and fruits for breakfast, do so while listening to your favourite song. A powerful combination because it rewards you for doing things you don’t like.
  6. Decide the difference: How many times do you look back in the day and think about the things you could have done differently and didn’t do? Taking more risks, working without interruptions, avoiding those conversations, not eating that junk food, having expressed that feeling, etc. When you are caught in a “what if” vortex, your fears and anxiety take over, you start to feel sad and stressed because you can’t get those mistakes out of your head. This is devastating to feel free. So let’s turn it around… Instead of listing everything you did wrong, pick just one thing you want to change. Just one thing that you think changing it can make a difference in your next day. When you do, start planning how you are going to change that thing tomorrow. No one can go back in time, but there will always be opportunities to redeem yourself despite the “shit” you may have done, remember.

Self-discipline is a blessing

Soon I will write more about building the self-discipline you need to be free and earn your living, to be your own daily teacher. I have some resources, techniques, strategies and “hacks” that do not stop growing. And as always, I share it with you, because every step forward that you take is a step.

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Isra Garcia = 60 clients, 61 businesses advised, 415 speakings, 4.610 posts, 37 projects, 8 books, 520 lectures, 7 companies, 22 adventures, 42 experiments, ∞ failures. So far…

Marketer. Advisor. Speaker. Writer. Educator. Impresario. Principal at IG. Blogger. Entrepreneur. Disruptive innovation. Digital transformation. High-performer and a lifestyle experimentalist.

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Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

A place for decoding human potential through Life Hacking, Ultra-productivity, Self-Mastery, Super-habits, Lifestyle Experiments & Holistic Wisdom - [ENG -SPA]