Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab
Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

I write passionately about what I do, experience and practice every day: conducting human potential experiments, a way to approach discipline that sets you free, a very singular path to self-mastery and becoming intimately close with your inner master, living an ultra-productive life, hacking your body, mind, spirit and heart space for accessing to your holistic peak performance.

I also delve into building an unstoppable attitude, integrating what works for you about stoicism and Zen practices into daily life. And, of course, I share the most effective and efficient habits, systems, behaviours, and skills of the most significant disruptors, world-class masters, and top performers I have the privilege to interview every two or three weeks.

One journey, many paths:

So, one day, I will be a Marketer focused on Positive Impact, working with self-marketing (a synonym for self-mastery) in people first and then in organizations. On other days, I am a peak performance consultant and trainer for various companies. On other days, I speak at TEDx, public, or corporate events. On the other few days, I am an author and sometimes a writer - and I even publish books, 9 at the moment. Finally, I acted as a teacher in Universities and Business Schools and my programs for many days.

Additionally, I have been putting on the Blogger hat for more than 12 years, and there are many times when I transform myself into a Podcaster and interview some of the most recognized disruptors in the world. There are also some days when I am an Entrepreneur, almost without realizing it. What is certain that I am sure is a Lifestyle Experimentalist. On several occasions, I go on ultra-endurance challenges or adventures, either learning from shamans in the Upper Amazon, training with Shaolin Monks, living with Zen monks or defying the logic of effort and the limit of human performance. There are also times when I become a Zen meditator. Yet, each day, I am in Action. All of this, and much more beyond words, makes it impossible to be included or labelled under the same category or expertise, which leads me to be a white belt master in Hacking Human Potential through the Holistic High-Performance and Ultra-productivity Method.

I use Self-Mastery and Self-discipline as a core engine for everything.

I founded the School of Modern Stoicism and the Psilocybin Science & Experience Spanish Platform, among many other projects and movements. Now, I am on my way to making my lifetime project a reality: a Self-Mastery & Life School.

What is the difference that makes the difference? To find out, be your own laboratory and find that singularity among singularities. This is me, capable of offering something, a path that few have travelled the way I have had, which ultimately leads to Life Mastery. This is why we are here: to live.

Some of my life stats and achievements:

- 9 published books (with Alienta, Penguin Random House, RCA, Amazon): books.

- 64 jobs for brands: brands - from 2011 onwards.

- More than 440 speaking engagements have occurred in Spain, Europe, and America.

- Coaching to 75 corporate clients.

- 7.015 people coached and advised (one by one)

- More than 5,035 articles written and published ( / / space on Expansió / here on Medium / and other collaborations on platforms such as Business Insider, The Start-Up, Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today, Smartblogs, Marketing News, Marketing Today, Mprende...)

- 42 non-personal projects launched (more than 180 projects in total, counting those that have never seen the light of day)

- 7.1 million listeners and more than 365,000 monthly downloads in 252 recorded podcasts, including more than 116 interviews with world-class disruptors such as Seth Godin, Robin Sharma, Dandapani, Wim Hof, Steven Kotler, Jamie Wheal, Kevin Kelly, Mark Manson, Nancy Duarte, Shi Heng Yi, Dennis McKenna, David Perell, and nationals like Mario Conde, Fernando Sánchez Dragó, Santi Millán or Pablo D'Ors.

- Around 400 videos were published on my YouTube channel.

- More than 540 workshops, classes and training are given in companies, open to the public and private, in Universities and Business Schools.

- 7 companies were created, of which only two are still active today.

- Completed 22 adventures and extreme challenges, from an Ironman or Ultraman championship to touring Miami - Las Vegas on a Fat Bike/SUV to Red Bull Wings Day and Wacky Races or going solo from Los Angeles to Burning Man by bike.

- 52 experiments on human potential: you can find all of them here (Spanish timeline)

- Over 450,000 hours of self-training (estimated physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual activities - including over 9,072 hours of fasting, 4,900 hours of meditation, and over 800 hours of Tai Chi and Qi Gong)

- An estimated investment of more than 415,000 euros in peak experiences, training, retreats, programs, trips (such as travelling, working and living around the globe in 2018 and 2019) and personal projects - the estimate is based on the related expenses table.

- ∞ Tests, attempts, failures and crashes.

Action is not just a result; it is the essence of what I do. This is why I am so committed to self-mastery and peak performance.

Nowadays, I'm on an experimental sabbatical called The Great Victory, which I began in 2021 and will continue to do so. That is to say, I closed my entire life—digital and offline, business and personal, material and emotional—and for now, it's been the wildest and most worthwhile milestone of my 41 years.

Any path is the path.

Medium member since March 2024
Connect with Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab
Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

Book Author

A place for decoding human potential through Life Hacking, Ultra-productivity, Self-Mastery, Super-habits, Lifestyle Experiments & Holistic Wisdom - [ENG -SPA]