Natasja Pelgrom: how to live your fullest potential

How to walk the path to self-mastery


“What is the gift?” — Natasja Pelgrom.

This is a podcast that I wanted to record-an interview with Natasja Pelgrom. Perhaps the person who has had the most positive impact on me in the past year. The most crucial feminine influence that I remember, her energy has given me a lot since the day we met, and fortunately, each day there is a better resonance between us. You could even say that she has become a kind of soul sister, and soon partners in a project that we are going to launch.

“I was not living my full potential”

Natasja is more than a particular person, her life story, her arts, her knowledge, charisma and soul, makes her unique. Someone who praises you heals you, empowers you, elevates you.

Holistic transformational coach / mentor

Natasja Pelgrom accompanies people who seek to awaken their potential and does so through effective and unconventional tools, which manage to work from within in their personal and professional development. Her vehicle for channelling change are retreats, workshops and one-on-one consultancies, where she works with ancient plants and medicines, shamanic trips, empowerment, integration of psychedelics, her Master’s program in Self-Love and Cocoa Ceremonies, one of her specialities.

“Living differently in this society is something I embrace”

Natasja is a leading facilitator at the Synthesis Retreat, the world’s first medically supervised and legal psychedelic centre, right where I met her. She is the founder of Awaken the Medicine Within, a holistic transformational retreat of high power and impact that, a few months ago, I had the opportunity to experience. Additionally, it should be noted that Natasja has done more than 500 ceremonies, working with the Bufo Alvarius toad and psilocybin.

Her experience has led her to train, empower and accompany from political leaders and billionaire executives to entrepreneurs, YouTubers / Instagrammers, coaches, investors, established musical artists, creatives and individuals.

“What we crave is connection.”

Disrupt Everything # 110 — Natasja Pelgrom

An episode in English where I chat with Natasja Pelgrom about her past, her life experience, holistic performance, shamanic tools, psychedelics, ancient cultures, awareness, spiritual awakening, holistic transformation, human potential, and creating positive impact.

“I need to feel the cold so that I can feel the heat”

“We are a gift” — Natasja Pelgrom.

Listen here >>> Natasja Pelgrom: how to unlock your fullest potential — Disrupt Everything podcast.


1- The trip, so far.
2- The “magic” steps.
3- Ask yourself a question — what questions.
4- How to wake up.
5- Shamanic tools.
6- Facilitating psychedelic experiences.
7- Where can we educate ourselves.
8- Hold the space — circles of sharing — integration.
9- Tricks for integration.
10- Tribal experience.
11- Living your full potential.
12- Vulnerability — how.
13- Within oneself.
14- Waking up the medicine that is inside us.
15- Cocoa ceremonies.
16- Rapid fire questions.


Listen, download, subscribe

Listen and subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Ivoox, Castbox FM, Player FM, or RSS. You can even check out the video channel and view the web series. And you can listen to it here.

You can also listen directly from the Disrupt Everything podcast series homepage.

Make this story rock only if you find it worth it! Please, clap if you did find any value.

Isra Garcia = 8 books, 58 clients, 60 biz advised, 423 speakings, 4.265 articles, 34 projects, 484 lectures, 6 companies, 21 adventures, 36 experiments, ∞ fails.

Marketer. Advisor. Speaker. Writer. Educator. Impresario. Principal at IG. Blogger. Entrepreneur. Disruptive innovation. Digital transformation. High-performer and a lifestyle experimentalist.

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Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

A place for decoding human potential through Life Hacking, Ultra-productivity, Self-Mastery, Super-habits, Lifestyle Experiments & Holistic Wisdom - [ENG -SPA]