Seth Godin (the “ruckus-maker”): how to change everything using marketing — and empathy

Interviewing Seth Godin on doing marketing (and the work) that truly matters and making a ruckus


If you are not afraid, you are not doing anything important — Seth Godin.

A few months ago, when I was in New York working with Techstars, I had the opportunity to meet with Seth Godin to ask him the questions I had always wanted to ask him. This then turned into a podcast, and then a video that I will upload to the YouTube channel soon. It was time to meet the first person I started to follow and read, back in 2008. The professional who has marked me the most, personally and professionally speaking, in my whole life.

Seth Godin has one of the most powerful blogs on the Internet. He is a New York Times bestseller with his 19 books, translated into several languages. Seth is, objectively, possibly the best marketer in history. I wanted to chat with Seth on issues such as positive impact, how to make a difference, making things happen, and create important work.

This is a 5-minute interview where we talk about respect, change, leadership, education and disruption. In addition to his educational projects: altMBA and The Marketing Seminar. Seth also reveals things about his work, history and lifestyle.

It is silly to think that to change things you must have a large number of followers on Instagram and have a great name on social networks — Seth Godin.

Disrupt Everything #85 — Seth Godin

Search for people with thirst, ignore the rest

This is the interview that I have wanted to do the most in my whole life. An episode where I interview Seth Godin, possibly the most shocking and recognized marketing guru in history. We address very diverse topics, from marketing and education to Seth’s life. Everything revolves around the idea of mounting big messes, of generating change, positive impact, being that troublemaker who moves things around.

I want you to vibrate, enjoy it, get inspired and learn as much as I learned.

Listen the podcast

Listen it here.

And download and subscribe here. Listen here and subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Ivoox, Castbox FM, Player FM or RSS. You can even head over to the video channel and view the web series.

Self-motivation is what you need most — Seth Godin.

Index of contents

  1. Featured Milestones
  2. Personal experiences.
  3. How to fail usefully.
  4. Key learnings after The Marketing Seminar and the differences between This Is Marketing.
  5. We are all marketers and empathy.
  6. Positive impact through education.
  7. How to do marketing that makes the difference
  8. AltMBA and Seth Godin MBA.
  9. Become someone indispensable.
  10. Your core skills
  11. About being human today.
  12. Difficult moments, challenges and how to overcome them.
  13. What we don’t see about Seth Godin.
  14. Strengths and weaknesses.
  15. Zig Ziglar’s lessons.
  16. High performance.
  17. Seth tips on marketing.
  18. Tricks about public speaking.
  19. Best and worse investments.
  20. Personal recommendations: podcasts, books, guests.
  21. What it means to lead a good life.
  22. Final message.


[This post appeared first on]

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Isra Garcia = 56 clients, 57businesses advised, 415 speakings, 4.024 posts, 29 projects, 8 books, 430 lectures, 6 companies, 20adventures, 33experiments, ∞ failures. So far…

Marketer. Advisor. Speaker. Writer. Educator. Impresario. Principal at IG. Blogger. Entrepreneur. Disruptive innovation. Digital transformation. High-performer and a lifestyle experimentalist.

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Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab

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