Why You Should Experiment With Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle Experiments Equal Exponential Improvement


Credit: Gapingvoid.

Are you feeling trapped in a cycle of monotony? Do you yearn for a spark of excitement in your work or leisure activities? Are you ready for a transformative boost in your life? If you’re seeking a new path of self-discovery and reinvention, then lifestyle experiments might just be the solution you’re looking for.

Perhaps you’re content with your life and feel that lifestyle experiments aren’t necessary. But what if I told you that lifestyle experiments could open the door to a fuller personal and professional state? They’re not just for those who feel stuck or dissatisfied; they’re for anyone who wants to explore new possibilities and reach their full potential.

There are millions of solutions: diets, shortcuts, life-changing solutions, “millionaire tricks”, influencer strategies, ultimate secrets, and success workshops. And all those tricks, which rarely work.

Do you know the most revealing thing I have discovered in these 36 years of life? In most cases, the answer or solution requires three things:

  • A little science.
  • Different attempts and excessive initiative.
  • You and your audacity.

Lifestyle experiments, to be more exact

In these last four years, I have carried out around 30 experiments to test how new inputs would impact and influence my life and the lives of those around me. In fact, I have turned my life into a total experiment. From the most professional to the personal, more radical or less (from fasting for 20 days or 52 days macrodosing with psilocybin to exposing myself to 200 days of failure, among many others). These lifestyle experiments have led me to live better, write books, achieve the impossible, and turn my profession towards Holistic High-Performance or self-mastery. A lot of positive things have happened in my life thanks to experimenting.

One that really impacted me unexpectedly was the Total Stillness experiment, being completely still for one hour for 20 days. I’m discovering how to reset my mind and even enter trance states, all for doing nothing. Can you believe it?

Are you intrigued? Then let’s delve into it. A lifestyle experiment is akin to a scientific experiment. However, instead of testing scientific hypotheses, you’re experimenting with your lifestyle to see how it could improve (or worsen) your circumstances. Once you’ve reached a conclusion, you can choose to integrate its impact into your life or continue with your current lifestyle.

Let’s deconstruct for a better understanding:

Lifestyle: how an individual or group lives.

Experiment: a scientific process to make a discovery, test hypotheses or demonstrate a fact.

I could explain to you how I do it, but it’s simple: You just have to follow the scientific method. I could share all the ones I’ve done, but I’d only be talking about myself — how boring. So, the best thing we can do from here is to make a list of 12 small experiments and try one per month. Play with whatever you want: food, sports, sleep, sex, etc.

I haven’t found a more effective way to advance faster, develop my potential, grow professionally, and evolve as a person. Lifestyle experiments have allowed me to learn and acquire skills, knowledge, or ‘tricks’ that I couldn’t have gained in any other way. They’ve been a definitive ‘hack’ in my life, and I believe they can be in yours too.

Or if you want to see it another way, you either experiment or you will be the experiment of someone else.

Life is the laboratory; we are the experiment.



Isra García - Holistic Peak Performance Lab
Long. Sweet. Valuable.

A place for decoding human potential through Life Hacking, Ultra-productivity, Self-Mastery, Super-habits, Lifestyle Experiments & Holistic Wisdom - [ENG -SPA]